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Display Build Times in Xcode
This replaces the time the “build finished” with how long the build took.
defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode ShowBuildOperationDuration YES
Source: Paul Hudson, Dave Verwer
Customizing the file header comment and other text macros
Xcode allows you to customize the file header and other so-called text macros using a plist file.
- Create a property list file named
. - For every text macro you want to customize, add a new key to the plist’s dictionary.
- Copy the file to one of the following locations.
- …
Source: Ole Begemann
Improving the assistant editor
- Set “Uses Focused Editor” in the Navigation preferences
- ⌘J to switch between panes or open new ones
- ⌘⇧O to open files in the currently focused pane
Source: Jesse Squires
Navigation using the assistant editor
The assistant editor is very useful for navigating around while remaining at your original position:
- Use ⌘⌥, to open the current location in the neighbouring editor
- Hold ⌘⌃⌥ and click on any method to jump to that method in the neighbouring editor (⌘⌃ opens in the current editor)
- ⌘⌃↑ to switch between associated files, and ⌘⌃⌥↑ to do so using the neighbouring editor
- ⌘⌃← and ⌘⌃→ to move back and forward through navigation history, add ⌥ for their neighbouring editor counterparts
Spelling and Grammar
You can turn on spell checking in Xcode. Go to
Edit > Format > Spelling and Grammar
. This works on comments and identifiers, and is aware of capitalization conventions.
Source: Micheal Gorbach
Using behaviors to improve debugging
In Xcode’s preferences, go to the Behaviors tab. Navigate to the ‘Running’ section and click ‘Pauses’. Here you can instruct Xcode to open a new tab by checking the box for ‘Show tab named’ and giving it a name. By default, showing the ‘Debug Navigator’ should be enabled. Next, I like to show the debugger with the ‘Variables & Console View’, as well as hide the Utilities sidebar on the right.
Source: Jesse Squires