Xcode Tips 💡

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Build times

Fix slow codesigning

Poking around, I came across this thread. While I didn’t have the main problem described there of duplicate certificates, buried in that thread was the following advice: trim ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.plist

Opening that file up revealed that I had several entries, all except one pointing to non-existent files with the one valid entry pointing to my login keychain. After removing the invalid entries, code signing only took up to 1 second, max. This shaved 40-60 seconds off of my full release builds and 10 seconds off of incremental ones. Huge savings.

Source: Paul Kim

Copying framework headers

Another thing I noticed in the cleanup was that some of my frameworks were being copied without their headers. […] Apparently, there’s a hidden setting in your project.pbxproj file for copying frameworks where you can specify whether headers get copied over.

The only way to enable/disable this is to edit the project.pbxproj by hand. The flag in question is RemoveHeadersOnCopy.

Source: Paul Kim